Spring & Summer scents are 50% off. All other regular priced candles are 25% off through 09.02.24. See details below.

About The Flying Farm

Flying Farm Candles were born out of a surprising source…soap making.  Several years ago, owner Rachel Mazzaferro took up the hobby of cold process soap making with several of her friends.  The soap making was incredibly rewarding and fun; however, Rachel discovered many lovely fragrance oils along the way that were either not safe or not suitable for use in soap making. Wanting to still use these oils, she purchased some basic candle making supplies with the intention of just making a few candles for her family.  It didn’t stay a hobby for long.


Today, the one-time hobby is now a growing family-run candle business.  Rachel continues to be the Chief Candle Officer (yes, that is made up), but her son William has joined the business, first in production, but now contributing to all aspects of the business.  Together, they are working to create the very best scented candles for your home. 


We thank you for your interest I our candles and your support of our family business!