Spring & Summer scents are 50% off. All other regular priced candles are 25% off through 09.02.24. See details below.
March 23, 2020
Although soy wax has been grown in popularity over the past 20 years, I find many shoppers still don’t know what natural waxes are and why using natural wax is important.
So first of all, what’s so bad about paraffin?
Paraffin continues to be the most widely used wax for candles globally. This is because paraffin is readily available, easy to work with, and can be used in a variety of candle forms. Also, at the time soy wax was introduced into the market, paraffin was far less expensive than soy. This has changed over the years as less paraffin is being produced, raising paraffin prices, and the improvements and increased demand for soy wax have stabilized soy wax prices. Both waxes are now comparable in cost.
But did you know that paraffin is actually a by-product of the petroleum refining process. Because it is refined from crude oil, paraffin retains hydrocarbons from the petroleum which are released back into the air when the wax is burned, along with other toxic chemicals. Paraffin users are well familiar with the black soot residue on jars, and while it is understood to be just how it is, you should also consider how much of that black soot was not caught on the jar and released into the air instead. Excessive use of paraffin wax candles has been linked to lung cancer and other respiratory issues. You can click here to read more about a study conducted by South Carolina State University.
What types of Natural Wax are available?
There are 4 major natural waxes widely available today
(Bayberry and tallow are also considered to be natural waxes but as they are not used much these days, I won’t go into their pros and cons.)
So Which type of wax is best? This answer is very subjective and depends on what your goals are for using a candle.
We like soy wax because it is grown in America and supports the American farmer and the economy in a way the other waxes do not. It is not a perfect wax and we would never suggest it is the only option to use, but for our goals as a candle company and the type of candles we want to offer our customers, soy wax fits the bill!
April 18, 2020
Coconut wax is majorly trending right now as the hot new must-have natural product. The message being conveyed is that coconut wax candles are cleaner burning than paraffin and produce a better scent throw than soy. Sounds great, right? We thought so, so this past year we seriously looked into switching to coconut wax. Our personal conclusion is that coconut wax is a Trojan Horse, making a lot of claims and promising amazing benefits but is mostly a hugely misleading gimmick.
April 10, 2020
The name, The Flying Farm, is an homage to the happiest and best time ever in my life! It is our hope that our candles help you reconnect with your own fond memories and create happy places for you too!
July 06, 2018