Spring & Summer scents are 50% off. All other regular priced candles are 25% off through 09.02.24. See details below.
April 18, 2020
Coconut wax is majorly trending right now as the hot new must-have natural product. The message being conveyed is that coconut wax candles are cleaner burning than paraffin and produce a better scent throw than soy. Sounds great, right? We thought so, so this past year we seriously looked into switching to coconut wax. Our personal conclusion is that coconut wax is a Trojan Horse, making a lot of claims and promising amazing benefits but is mostly a hugely misleading gimmick.
April 10, 2020
The name, The Flying Farm, is an homage to the happiest and best time ever in my life! It is our hope that our candles help you reconnect with your own fond memories and create happy places for you too!
March 23, 2020
July 06, 2018
June 10, 2018
March 26, 2018